How to Minimize Jobsite Issues During a Pipeline Installation Project
08/20/2021 In Installation ServicesThe goal for every pipeline project is to install the pipe and related appurtenances successfully within the timeframe and budget that the contractor bid the project. Sometimes, however, issues arise that may cause potential delays. These delays can cost time and money. The good news is there are ways to help minimize these occurrences with proper training and product understanding. In this Iron Strong Blog, we will discuss how a project can get off to a good start and lead to a successful installation.
Handling Ductile Iron Pipe: From Truck to Trench
09/12/2020 In Installation TechnicalAt McWane Ductile, we are proud to manufacture the strongest, most durable, and most flexible piping material available to the waterworks industry. Even with these great attributes, we still take great care when handling Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe). In this Iron Strong Blog, we’ll cover some key tips to safely handling your DI pipe once it arrives at your job site and throughout the construction or your pipeline project.
What is TR Flex® Pipe and How is it Assembled?
06/08/2018 In InstallationTR Flex® is the most-widely accepted and installed integrally-cast restraint joint system in the ductile iron pipe industry. Proven as a versatile and easy-to-use item, this joint is flexible, sure, and watertight to and beyond it’s up-to-350-psi pressure rating while preventing longitudinal separation of the joints whether installed above or below ground.
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