What is Autogenous Healing of Ductile Iron Pipe? Are Small Cracks and Cobwebbing Acceptable?
02/05/2021 In Products TechnicalSeeing cobwebbing or small cracks in the cement lining of Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) may raise concern for some and over the years, I’ve had some folks ask me, “Is this acceptable?” And my response is, “Yes, it is, at least to some degree.” Within this Iron Strong Blog, we will discuss Autogenous Healing (au-tog-e-nous), which is defined as the natural process of crack repair that takes place when cement linings come in contact with water.
CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT: Piecing it Together with Peace River
11/13/2020 In Installation Our Company ProductsPeace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority has been in operation since 1991 and provides drinking water to more than 900,000 people throughout Charlotte, Desoto, Manatee, and Sarasota Counties in Florida. The Integrated Loop System Phase 1 Interconnect Project was bid in late 2018 and began in early 2019.
How Do I Ensure I Have the Proper Size Casing Pipe for My Ductile Iron Carrier Pipe & What Else Might I Need to Know?
10/16/2020 In Installation TechnicalMost people commonly think the answer to this question is relatively simple. “All I need to do is make sure the Inside Diameter of the casing pipe is larger than the outside diameter of my carrier pipe.” While that is a correct answer, it isn’t necessarily the best answer. Within this Iron Strong Blog, we will closely examine what you need to consider when selecting a casing pipe to fit your application.
How Much Does Ductile Iron Pipe Weigh and Why Does It Matter to You?
07/09/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalIf you're like most people, you probably don't sit around thinking about how much Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) weighs so in this Iron Strong Blog we are going to tell you where to find the weight of the pipe and why it is essential to familiarize yourself with the weight of the pipe.
Why is Depth of Cover Important When Installing Ductile Iron Pipe?
12/20/2019 In Installation TechnicalWithin this article, we will discuss Depth of Cover and the key factors to consider when selecting the type of trench (or laying condition) for your application. We’ll also discuss why it is important to choose the correct trench application, not only for today, but for future adjustments or improvements that are planned for the surrounding area where the pipeline is being installed.
How to Properly Unload, Store and Install Ductile Iron Outlet Pipe
08/03/2019 In Installation TechnicalRadial Welded-on Outlets, Tangential Outlets, Bossed Outlets, and Thread-O-Lets. Have you ever been involved in a project utilizing one of the various pipe outlet configurations? If so, you are likely aware of the special care these products require. If you haven’t been involved in a project requiring outlet piping, then within this blog we will explain the types of outlets available and the importance of the unloading, storage, and installation process.
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