Unaccounted for Water - The Phantom of the Forgotten City
04/16/2020 In Environmental & Safety TechnicalI have given several presentations wherein I have identified the distribution system of a water utility as The Forgotten City: Out of Sight, Out of Mind. Although the most significant capital investment for a water system is its pipeline infrastructure, many times, it gets less attention than other components such as pumps, motors, plant structures, pump stations, and even fire hydrants, all of which are visible to the eye. One mysterious component to some water utilities is Unaccounted for Water. Some say that, like death and taxes, Unaccounted for Water will always be present, with the only issue being the degree to which it pervades.
Ductile Iron Vs. Steel Flanges – Are They Interchangeable?
04/09/2020 In Products TechnicalWhy all these different numbers when ordering flanges? Why can’t it be easy? Often, people get confused about the proper terminology and usage of Ductile Iron flanges versus steel flanges. We are often asked, “Why are there two different Ductile Iron flanges?” The truth is they can all be mated together if ordered correctly.
Why Do Ductile Iron Pipe Lengths Vary?
04/04/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalI have been on the road for nearly 20 years, talked with numerous contractors and distributors during that time, and there is a common question that I often get asked, "Why do Ductile iron pipe lengths vary?"
Buried No Longer - Confronting America’s Water Infrastructure Challenge
03/25/2020 In Installation TechnicalThe American Water Works Association (AWWA) is the premier trade association representing the drinking water industry in the United States. Through its network of paid professionals and volunteers throughout the country, AWWA has provided the drinking water industry with standards for water system operations as well as valuable research on countless subjects for many decades.
What Is VPP STAR Status and Why Does It Matter?
03/19/2020 In Environmental & Safety Our CompanyAt McWane Ductile, a ductile iron pipe manufacturer with three foundries located in the United States, we are committed to providing a safe work environment for our employees. We strive to not only comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA) standards but also to continuously improve and build a strong culture of safety in our facilities.
How to Prevent Stray Current in DI Pipe at Gas Line Crossings
03/12/2020 In Installation TechnicalIn today’s construction world, things are getting more and more technical and precise. As the waterworks industry evolved over the last 100 years, our understanding of installation processes has as well, specifically concerning stray currents emitted in the ground from steel gas or oil pipeline’s cathodic protection system and how they might influence the corrosion of adjacent Ductile iron (DI) pipelines.
How to Avoid Frozen Ductile Iron Pipelines Using Electrical Thawing
03/06/2020 In Installation TechnicalJust as we start to feel that spring is just around the corner, Mother Nature reminds us that we are still in the midst of winter and warmer weather may still be days away. Lower temperatures are great for skiing, sledding, and hot beverages by the fire. However, in some parts of the country, a lower reading on the thermometer means trouble for our water lines.
In extremely cold weather, the water in our pipelines can freeze, cutting off supply to our homes and businesses. This inconvenient problem can be remedied in Ductile iron pipelines through the process of electrical thawing
Specialty Gaskets: What Are They and When Do We Use Them?
02/27/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalFor over 500 years, iron pipe joints have been connected in a variety of ways. From the first flanged joints developed in 1785 that used gaskets made with various materials to the evolution of the bell and spigot joint around 1950 that used caulking yarn or braided hemp.
Today’s modern push-on gaskets are comprised of different types of rubber compounds, and the development of the push-on gasket has proven to be instrumental to the success of the leak-free water and sewer joint. Let's take a closer look at each specialty gasket available on the market today.
Hey Ditch Doctor! Can I Install a TR Flex® Plain End in a Tyton Joint Bell?
02/21/2020 In Installation TechnicalWelcome to the first edition of The Ditch Doctor, where we provide answers to your most-often-asked questions about Ductile Iron pipe. These are real-world questions coming from real-world, hard-working professionals in the water industry… just like you.
Steve From Steubenville Asks… Can I Install a TR Flex® Plain End in a Tyton Joint Bell?
Horizontal Directional Drilling With Ductile Iron Pipe
01/27/2020 In Installation TechnicalHave you ever heard the saying, “To the man who only has a hammer in the tool kit, every problem looks like a nail? (Abraham Maslow)” In the water utility industry, some folks may feel this way when faced with a pipeline installation that must circumvent natural or humanmade obstacles, especially water crossings. So, if going around or above is not an option, then what? How about below?
In today’s modern world, there are more tools available in the water pipeline construction toolkit such as the Open Trench Method, the Pier Supported System, and Horizontal Directional Drilling or HDD. In this blog, we’ll discuss the benefits of using Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) for HDD and provide some considerations and tips for your pipeline installation.
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