The Smoking Gun: Thermal Degradation of Plastic Pipes Linked to Drinking Water Contamination
07/30/2021 In Environmental & Safety ProductsAs of October 2020, more than 47,000 wildfires have occurred across 36 U.S. states. Drought is a major factor, as a large portion of the West is currently experiencing the most severe level of drought, dubbed “exceptional drought” by the U.S. Drought Monitor. Humans cause the majority of wildfires with negligence such as unattended campfires, discarded cigarettes or arson, followed by natural causes such as unusually long-lasting hot lightning bolts. (U.S. Drought Monitor, 2012)
What is the P2C Challenge? Preventing Pollution Before It Begins
06/04/2021 In Environmental & Safety Our CompanyJune 5 is World Environment Day sponsored by the United Nations. This observance is celebrated every year and aims to engage governments, businesses, and citizens to address pressing environmental issues. So, I felt it timely to discuss how McWane Inc. and its family of companies worldwide are committed to protecting the environment through proactive efforts and challenging employees to think outside the box.
The Challenge of COVID-19 to the Water Utility Manager — Past, Present, and Future
04/28/2021 In Environmental & SafetyDuring the decades in which I have managed large and small water utilities throughout the country, I have experienced several challenging scenarios. Whether it was a major oil spill in the river that provided our raw water supply, a winter with sub-zero temperatures and no snow cover where small water mains were frozen solid in the ground, or the total transitioning from a groundwater source to a surface water source with all the different treatment methodology involved, I had never considered the terminology “the new normal.”
What Does Earth Day Mean to You as a Water Professional?
04/22/2021 In Environmental & Safety ProductsCelebrating Earth Day reminds us of the glorious surroundings we are provided with, bringing joy and happiness to our everyday lives. A variety of topographies span from rivers and streams to mountains and valleys. Even deserts and dry climate regions provide some of the most picturesque landscapes known to man. Earth Day is conveniently celebrated in the spring when flowers and trees burst with bountiful flowers and blooms. New life abounds as animals give birth to a new generation. A simple family picnic on a manicured lawn or trip down a mountain on a bike are just a couple of examples of pleasures we can enjoy.
What is the Purpose of Calcium Hypochlorite Granules?
03/20/2021 In Environmental & Safety TechnicalCalcium hypochlorite is an inorganic compound added in granular or tablet form added to water to kill germs that can make people sick. When used correctly, this compound destroys germs that can cause numerous health problems. ANSI/AWWA standard C651-14 incorporates essential procedures and requirements for the disinfection of new potable water mains. In this blog, we’ll cover why, when, and how it’s used in the waterworks industry.
Why Consider A Domestic Only Ductile Iron Pipe Specification?
01/15/2021 In Environmental & Safety Products ServicesOver the years, products manufactured in our country have enhanced our quality of life, and how the products are manufactured makes a difference. U.S. Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) manufacturers follow stringent guidelines in the manufacture of their products. In this Iron Strong Blog, we will discuss why to consider a domestic only Ductile iron pipe specification.
Why PVC is Inadequate for Fire Protection in Distribution Systems
10/31/2020 In Environmental & Safety TechnicalToday, most water systems serve the public in two ways: by providing potable drinking water and enabling fire protection for the community. Fire protection provides more than just the obvious public safety benefits. It also enhances community property values and provides residents lower home and property insurance rates.
Do You Have an Iron Deficiency? Considering Health Effects in Pipe Material Selection
08/13/2020 In Environmental & Safety ProductsWe in the United States are most fortunate, for the most part, to have access to safe, clean drinking water. Even when traveling, we are not hesitant to draw water from a hotel faucet to brush our teeth or even fill a glass to drink. This privilege is no accident.
Updates to Envision® and How Ductile Iron Excels in The New Rating System
07/23/2020 In Environmental & Safety Installation ProductsThis Blog Reflects Significant Updates for Envision Manual V3. As we know, America's infrastructure is in crisis! According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, the estimated investment needed is $1 Trillion over the next 25 years for underground water infrastructure. This investment, as well as the ever-increasing cost of electricity, limited water supply, ever-decreasing natural resources, and environmental concerns, are driving the need for change. Change on how infrastructure is designed and constructed – utilizing more sustainable design and construction practices. ENVISION is designed to provide guidelines for these changes to North American infrastructure. In short, it is a rating system approach very similar to LEED Building Certification; however, with the focus on infrastructure.
Envision not only asks, ‘Are we doing the project right?’ but also, ‘Are we doing the right project?’
How to Protect Water Quality from Permeation Due to Contaminated Soils
07/17/2020 In Environmental & Safety TechnicalFor buried pipelines, there can be several soil conditions that adversely affect water quality via permeation. As a waterworks professional, you most likely will ask “Where and when might these harmful conditions be present, or even potentially develop, and what solution is available to best protect my water system from this issue? We will look at several of the more common risks in this article and discuss protective measures that can be utilized. These risks can include contaminated soils from areas in or near older landfills, industrial sites, and abandoned or leaking fuel tanks, to mention a few.
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