The Smoking Gun: Thermal Degradation of Plastic Pipes Linked to Drinking Water Contamination
07/30/2021 In Environmental & Safety ProductsAs of October 2020, more than 47,000 wildfires have occurred across 36 U.S. states. Drought is a major factor, as a large portion of the West is currently experiencing the most severe level of drought, dubbed “exceptional drought” by the U.S. Drought Monitor. Humans cause the majority of wildfires with negligence such as unattended campfires, discarded cigarettes or arson, followed by natural causes such as unusually long-lasting hot lightning bolts. (U.S. Drought Monitor, 2012)
How Thick Is Zinc Coating and How Is It Applied to Ductile Iron Pipe?
09/25/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalEver wonder why zinc (Zn) is used for corrosion protection on Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe)? Or how thick the zinc coating is and how it is applied? Today we will answer those questions and cover when a zinc coating might be recommended.
Updates to Envision® and How Ductile Iron Excels in The New Rating System
07/23/2020 In Environmental & Safety Installation ProductsThis Blog Reflects Significant Updates for Envision Manual V3. As we know, America's infrastructure is in crisis! According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, the estimated investment needed is $1 Trillion over the next 25 years for underground water infrastructure. This investment, as well as the ever-increasing cost of electricity, limited water supply, ever-decreasing natural resources, and environmental concerns, are driving the need for change. Change on how infrastructure is designed and constructed – utilizing more sustainable design and construction practices. ENVISION is designed to provide guidelines for these changes to North American infrastructure. In short, it is a rating system approach very similar to LEED Building Certification; however, with the focus on infrastructure.
Envision not only asks, ‘Are we doing the project right?’ but also, ‘Are we doing the right project?’
How to Protect Water Quality from Permeation Due to Contaminated Soils
07/17/2020 In Environmental & Safety TechnicalFor buried pipelines, there can be several soil conditions that adversely affect water quality via permeation. As a waterworks professional, you most likely will ask “Where and when might these harmful conditions be present, or even potentially develop, and what solution is available to best protect my water system from this issue? We will look at several of the more common risks in this article and discuss protective measures that can be utilized. These risks can include contaminated soils from areas in or near older landfills, industrial sites, and abandoned or leaking fuel tanks, to mention a few.
Why Government Should Let Professionals Write Specifications – The Errors in Pipe Regulation Legislation
04/30/2020 In Environmental & Safety Installation TechnicalRecently, there have been multiple unsuccessful attempts by plastic pipe manufacturers and their trade associations to have legislation passed, mostly on the state level, requiring utilities to specify plastic pipes on their projects.
This legislation is a subject worth exploring deeper as it is being promoted by supporters of plastic and their lobbyists as a fiscally responsible requirement. Still, it provides no consideration for the many variables required in material selection or pipeline design; all are completely ignored in the proposed legislation which would ultimately be an "initial price only" comparison.
The Developer Myth: Ductile Iron Pipe Is Too Expensive for Residential Applications
11/08/2019 In InstallationHow often have we heard a developer tell a utility they simply can’t afford to install Ductile iron pipe (DI Pipe) for a planned subdivision because it’s too expensive. After all, the developer is providing the water and wastewater mains for free, transferring ownership to the local utility usually after one year.
Corrosion Protection Recommendations for Ductile Iron Pipeline
05/10/2019 In Products TechnicalDuctile iron pipe (DIP) is one of the most widely used pipe materials in North America. The Design Life is second to no other pipe material due to its robust design. This pipe material is the strongest and most resilient available for water and wastewater utilities providing unparalleled Life-Cycle value.
In many areas, utilities need to consider how to protect these valuable pipelines from corrosive soils. The question is “How can we economically protect these pipelines to meet or exceed the 105-110 year average design life of DIP?”
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