What Is No Bell Pipe and What Is It Used For?
12/10/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalWhy do you make Ductile iron pipe with no bell? Who would use such pipe? What is it used for? All good questions from most people in our industry, unless you are a pipe fabricator.
What Are Some Common Misconceptions Associated with Ductile Iron Pipe?
12/04/2020 In Products TechnicalIn 1492, Christopher Columbus was shocked when his ship made landfall in a land Europeans had never explored. Along the way, he proved that Earth isn’t flat after all. Right?
Wrong: Despite a persistent legend, neither Columbus nor his Spanish patrons thought Earth was a finite plane instead of a round planet. That was thanks to scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians who, as early as around 600 B.C., made observations that Earth was round. Using calculations based on the sun's rise and fall, shadows, and other physical properties of the planet, Greek scholars like Pythagoras and Aristotle determined that the planet is actually a sphere.1
So, what’s the point of today’s history lesson? It often reminds me that there are numerous myths associated with Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe), and in this Iron Strong Blog, we’ll list some of those ideas, provide factual data, and discuss why they are simply misconceptions.
Why Should I Use Pipe Lubricant Supplied by the Pipe Manufacturer?
11/20/2020 In Installation ProductsFirst, let us establish that all Ductile iron pipe, whether using push-on joints such as Tyton Joint® and TR Flex® Restrained Joints or Mechanical Joint pipe requires the gasket to be properly lubricated prior to joint assembly. Secondly, there is no such thing as too much lube when appropriately applied, especially when using McWane Sure Stop Restraining Gaskets. In this Iron Strong Blog, we will focus on why it is recommended to use the lubricant supplied by the pipe manufacturer.
CUSTOMER SPOTLIGHT: Piecing it Together with Peace River
11/13/2020 In Installation Our Company ProductsPeace River Manasota Regional Water Supply Authority has been in operation since 1991 and provides drinking water to more than 900,000 people throughout Charlotte, Desoto, Manatee, and Sarasota Counties in Florida. The Integrated Loop System Phase 1 Interconnect Project was bid in late 2018 and began in early 2019.
Can a Sure Stop 350® Restrained Joint Gasket Be Used for Horizontal Directional Drilling?
10/01/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalThose involved in the construction of water and wastewater pipelines are probably aware of the installation methodology of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD). HDD is a trenchless technique that provides an installation alternative offering several benefits over traditional open-cut. HDD can be implemented with minimal disruption to surface activities, requires less working space, and can be performed more quickly than open-cut methods. HDD can be used to install new pipelines or replace existing ones. Also, it can simplify or eliminate certain permitting processes. Although there are currently no national standards regarding HDD installations of municipal underground infrastructure systems, HDD has seen a dramatic increase in recent years and is becoming more common for any pipe material. HDD may be the fastest-growing trenchless construction method today.
How Thick Is Zinc Coating and How Is It Applied to Ductile Iron Pipe?
09/25/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalEver wonder why zinc (Zn) is used for corrosion protection on Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe)? Or how thick the zinc coating is and how it is applied? Today we will answer those questions and cover when a zinc coating might be recommended.
Why Should I Use 18-foot Length Ductile Iron Pipe Instead of 20?
09/18/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalGood Question! Today's Iron Strong Blog answers it. At first glance, you might think longer lengths mean fewer joints, and that has got to be better. So why don't all manufacturers make longer pipe? This perceived advantage is really a myth and we will look at that in a minute. In fact, there are more Ductile iron pipe plants in North America that manufacture 18-foot length pipe either entirely or as a significant portion of their product mix.
Ductile Iron Vs. Steel Pipe: How To Make The Best Choice
09/16/2020 In Products TechnicalThere are several factors to consider when choosing the type of pipe to use for your job. This article will focus on of few of those areas of concern as we compare Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) to its shiny arch-nemesis, steel. I'll be walking through each material's pros and cons as they relate to product design, energy (pumping cost) efficiency, corrosion control, and installation.
What Are The Benefits of DI Pipe vs. Concrete Cylinder Pipe?
09/02/2020 In ProductsPrestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) has been used in water and wastewater applications for nearly 80 years. The thought process behind PCCP was sound, in that it would combine concrete's high compressive strength with steel's high tensile strength. However, like many products, PCCP has continued to fall short in the following years in many comparative categories to Ductile iron.
Do You Have an Iron Deficiency? Considering Health Effects in Pipe Material Selection
08/13/2020 In Environmental & Safety ProductsWe in the United States are most fortunate, for the most part, to have access to safe, clean drinking water. Even when traveling, we are not hesitant to draw water from a hotel faucet to brush our teeth or even fill a glass to drink. This privilege is no accident.
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