How to Protect Water Quality from Permeation Due to Contaminated Soils
07/17/2020 In Environmental & Safety TechnicalFor buried pipelines, there can be several soil conditions that adversely affect water quality via permeation. As a waterworks professional, you most likely will ask “Where and when might these harmful conditions be present, or even potentially develop, and what solution is available to best protect my water system from this issue? We will look at several of the more common risks in this article and discuss protective measures that can be utilized. These risks can include contaminated soils from areas in or near older landfills, industrial sites, and abandoned or leaking fuel tanks, to mention a few.
Receiving Ductile Iron Pipe - What You Must Know Before You Let the Truck Go
07/16/2020 In Products ServicesIt’s a great day on the job site, and your crew is running hard—you're making up for lost time, possibly due to weather delays. You're expecting your next load of Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) any minute, and your goal is to unload your pipe as safely and quickly as possible. Before you let the truck take off, you need to understand and follow these guidelines before receiving your pipe.
Can Protecto 401™ Be Used in Potable Water Service Applications?
07/10/2020 In Products TechnicalAfter being in the water and sewer industry for almost 15 years, I can safely say a question I hear frequently is “Can Protecto 401™ be used in potable water service applications?” And that is exactly what we are going to talk about in this Iron Strong Blog. We all know it when we see it, the pipe with the red bell and spigot. It sticks out like a sore thumb so that it can be noticed without any confusion. But where can it be used and what is its purpose?
How Much Does Ductile Iron Pipe Weigh and Why Does It Matter to You?
07/09/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalIf you're like most people, you probably don't sit around thinking about how much Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) weighs so in this Iron Strong Blog we are going to tell you where to find the weight of the pipe and why it is essential to familiarize yourself with the weight of the pipe.
Considering Resiliency When Choosing Pipe Materials
07/01/2020 In Environmental & Safety InstallationIn this third installment about Sustainability and Resiliency for our Iron Strong Blog, we are focusing on the resiliency of pipe and pipelines as a result of natural disasters such as storms, floods, and wildfires. While earthquakes and seismic events also need to be considered, much has been written on those aspects and we will discuss them in our next installment. Resiliency means many different things to many different people, and its definition is often a matter of perspective and need. Put simply, resiliency is the ability to survive, resist, or recover from damage due to some external hazard.
How To Use an OD (Outside Diameter) Tape on Ductile Iron Pipe
06/25/2020 In Installation TechnicalJimmy sends a text to Bill, "I can't get into the virtual meeting." Bill replies, "You need to click on the link I sent you." Jimmy responds "Where is the link?" A frustrated Bill answers, "In the email about the meeting." A confused Jimmy asks, "On my computer? Bill answers again, "Yes! Is your computer on?" Jimmy fumbles to turn on his computer and texts Bill again, "OK, it is now. How do I get to the meeting?" Does this situation sound familiar to you? Have you ever explained something to someone only to realize that they knew less about the subject than you had previously assumed? In this episode of Iron Strong, we'll cover how to use an OD (Outside Diameter) Tape when measuring Ductile iron pipe.
Can I Use Cement-Mortar-Lined Ductile Iron Pipe In A Wastewater Application?
06/24/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalOver the years, I have spoken with numerous engineers, utilities, and municipalities, and there seems to be a disconnect when it comes to the overall understanding of when and where cement-mortar-lined pipe can be used in wastewater applications. Due to these grey areas, engineers and owners often specify specialty linings for an entire project when the line could have been specified as either cement-mortar lined ductile iron pipe only or a mixture of specialty lined and cement-lined pipe.
Why Does 3” and 4” Pipe Cost More Than Other Ductile Iron Pipe?
06/19/2020 In Products TechnicalA common question that many sales reps in the Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) industry have heard over the years is, "Are you sure you’ve quoted the 3” and 4” pipe correctly?” Once that price is confirmed, the follow-up question from the customer is usually “Why in the world does it cost so much?” Well, there are many reasons for the higher cost, and in this Iron Strong Blog, we will offer some insight into that question.
What Are The Advantages of Ductile Iron Pipe Over PVC Pipe?
06/18/2020 In Installation Products TechnicalQuestion – What is the difference between Ductile Iron and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)?
Answer – Many things, but some groups may attempt to “muddy the waters” with inaccurate information regarding the two materials.With the information that follows, we will take a closer look at what really separates Ductile Iron from PVC and why it matters.
Got Certification? Fabricated Ductile Iron Pipe and NSF/ANSI 61
06/10/2020 In Environmental & Safety TechnicalGot Certification? Does your fabricated Ductile iron pipe meet the current ANSI/AWWA C115 / A21.15-11 Standard for fabricated pipe?
Products intended for contact with potable water shall be certified to the requirements of NSF/ANSI 61. The certification shall be accomplished by a certification organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) AWWA Standard, ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15-11 Section 4.1.2. This standard includes water service pipe, water distribution lines, water treatment plants (WTP), and commercial and industrial services lines.
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